This article is for people who have been dealing with gluten for a good number of years now.

If you don’t have all the answers, you have hopefully at least figured out how to lead a gluten-free lifestyle and still find joy in life.

Still, please consider scanning our Table of Contents to see if there are areas that could be improved in your life. There is always something new to learn. For instance, new information about celiac disease and gluten intolerance, new laws and regulations, medical drug trials and treatments on the horizon.

Perhaps you also have ideas that could help other people and are willing to share them. If so, please email:

In case it helps, we also have information about Hospitals, Assisted Living Facilities and Retirement Homes

In case you need reminders about how to keep a positive attitude, click here.

If you haven’t done end-of-life planning yet, this is a good time.  Not because of your health condition or age. Life is fragile and we never know the future. For easy-to-understand information, see Survivorship A to Z.


  • The Charlies Table Oasis guides of which this is a part are meant to make your gluten-free life easier. For instance, we have information about how to speak with friends, pick a restaurant, help a young person, even how to give a wedding. For an overview of our content, see our Table of Contents. To learn how to share additional information and your relevant experiences, please email

  • Friends and family may still learn a thing or two reading our article about how they can better support you. An introduction to our Table of Contents also lets them know the type of information available here if needed.  

  • And speaking of support – if you haven’t been reaching out to other members of the community, please consider doing so. We have a variety of suggestions about how at Support.

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